Best Things To Do Before Putting A House on the Market

Things To Do Before Putting Your House on the Market
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Selling Your House Quickly

Selling a home can be an exciting, yet overwhelming experience. With so many factors to consider and decisions to make, you may feel like you’re juggling too many tasks at once.

But don’t worry! We’ve compiled the top 10 tips for home selling success to help make your journey as smooth and profitable as possible. From finding the right real estate agent to decluttering and staging your home, these insider secrets will have you navigating the complex world of real estate like a pro.

Key Takeaways

  • Finding the right real estate agent with local knowledge and positive reviews will greatly impact your success in selling your home.
  • Preparing your home for sale by deep cleaning, decluttering, depersonalizing, addressing any odors, and improving curb appeal can make a significant difference in attracting potential buyers.
  • Making necessary repairs and updates before listing along with getting a pre-listing inspection can help avoid delays or surprises during the selling process.
  • Setting the right asking price and creating an effective marketing plan while being prepared for showings are crucial steps to ensure a successful sale.

Find The Right Real Estate Agent Who Is An Expert In the Housing Market

Research local agents and check reviews and testimonials to find a professional real estate agent who can provide expert guidance throughout the selling process.

Research Local Agents To Help You With the Listing

Researching local real estate agents is an essential step in your home selling journey.

Take advantage of online resources such as or reach out to friends and family who have recently sold their homes for recommendations. Don’t be afraid to interview multiple agents before making a decision; ask them about their sales history, communication style, connections to potential buyers, and social media expertise.

Check reviews and testimonials from previous clients on websites or social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn to gain insight into how well they meet expectations.

Check Reviews And Testimonials

One of the essential steps in finding the right real estate agent to help sell your home is checking their reviews and testimonials. This valuable information, often available on platforms such as or even social media channels, will provide insights into the experiences of past clients who have worked with a particular agent.

For example, if numerous sellers mention how prompt and helpful an agent was during their entire condo selling process or how skillfully they negotiated for top dollar, you’ll know that working with this professional may lead to similar results for your property sale too.

Meanwhile, negative testimonials can act as red flags signaling potential issues when partnering with a specific realtor.

Prepare Your Home For Sale And Tips For Selling

Before putting your home on the market, it’s important to thoroughly clean and declutter your home, address any odors, and depersonalize the space so potential buyers can envision themselves living there.

Top Tips To Sell Your Home

Deep Clean 

A thorough deep cleaning is an essential step in preparing your home for the market, as it can greatly impact a buyer’s first impression. A spotless property suggests that you’ve taken good care of your home and maintained it well, which can be a strong selling point for potential buyers.

The process should include steam-cleaning carpets and upholstery, wiping down baseboards and crown molding, thoroughly scrubbing kitchens and bathrooms, washing windows inside and out, removing any mold or mildew buildup in grout lines or caulked areas, dusting light fixtures and ceiling fans.

Moreover, hiring professional cleaners to deeply clean your home before listing can make all the difference when showcasing its best features. For example, having spotlessly cleaned kitchen countertops will highlight their quality material while gleaming bathroom tiles could emphasize a luxurious feel to potential buyers walking through during showings or open houses.

Declutter And Depersonalize

One of the most important things to do before putting your home on the market is to declutter and depersonalize. It’s essential to remove any unnecessary items from your home as it can make rooms appear cluttered and smaller than they actually are.

Depersonalizing your home is also crucial in creating a blank canvas for potential buyers. Remove family photos, political or religious items, and anything else that could distract buyers from focusing on the space itself.

The goal is to create a neutral environment where potential buyers can envision themselves living there instead of feeling like they’re intruding on someone else’s space.

Address Any Odors

Unpleasant odors in a home can be a major turn off for potential buyers. Before putting your home on the market, it is crucial to address any bad smells that may linger in the air.

Consider hiring a deep cleaning service, which can help eliminate pet odors, cigarette smoke, and musty smells. Don’t forget to clean or replace air filters and ensure all carpets and upholstery are spotless.

It’s also important to avoid cooking strong-smelling foods before showings and invest in some fresh flowers or candles to create a welcoming scent throughout the home.

Improve Curb Appeal Of The House On The Market

Revamping your home’s exterior can increase its appeal to potential buyers. This includes maintaining the landscape, fixing or replacing a mailbox, and ensuring functioning exterior lighting.

Landscape Maintenance

Maintaining the landscape of your home is essential when preparing to put it on the market. First impressions matter, and a well-maintained yard can create an excellent first impression for potential buyers.

Start by keeping the lawn mowed, bushes trimmed, and flower beds weeded regularly. It’s also essential to ensure that any dead or dying plants are removed promptly, so they don’t detract from the overall appearance of your yard.

Additionally, consider adding some colorful flowers or plants to add a pop of color and curb appeal.

According to research conducted by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 71% of buyers said that curb appeal was important in their purchasing decision-making process.

This means not only should you maintain your lawn but also take care of any exterior repairs necessary such as fixing fence posts or repainting shutters.

Fix Or Replace Mailbox

The mailbox is an important part of your home’s exterior and can make a lasting impression on potential buyers. A rusty or outdated mailbox can give off the impression that the home has not been well-maintained, detracting from its overall appeal.

Therefore, it’s essential to fix or replace the mailbox before putting your house on the market. You may consider giving it a fresh coat of paint, replacing any missing parts like hinges or locks, or installing a new one altogether.

By fixing or replacing the mailbox along with other cosmetic issues such as landscaping maintenance and exterior cleaning, you are demonstrating to potential buyers that you have paid attention to every detail in preparing your home for sale.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), enhancing curb appeal through landscaping alone increases perceived value by 5% to 11%.

Ensure Exterior Lighting Is Functional

well-lit exterior can make a significant difference in improving the curb appeal of a home. Before putting your house on the market, ensure that all exterior lighting is functional and working properly.

A brightly lit walkway or porch can create an inviting atmosphere and make potential buyers feel safer when viewing the property. It’s also essential to have good lighting during open houses to showcase your home’s best features both inside and outside.

According to the National Association of Realtors, professional photos that feature well-lit exteriors are a must – they can go a long way in attracting buyers’ attention.

Make Necessary Repairs And Updates And Repaint The interior Walls

Consult with your agent for recommendations on necessary repairs and updates, and get a pre-listing inspection to make sure everything is in working order. By taking care of these items before listing, you can avoid delays or surprises during the selling process.

Consult With Your Agent For Recommendations

One of the most critical steps in preparing your home for sale is getting recommendations from a trusted real estate agent. These professionals know what features buyers are looking for, so they can advise you on which repairs and updates need to be made to make your home more attractive.

pre-listing inspection can also help identify any issues that could deter potential buyers. Your agent may recommend repainting walls, improving curb appeal or updating appliances to increase the value of your property.

According to National Association of Realtors (NAR), 73 percent of sellers said their agents provided useful information about marketing their homes and 68 percent found it helpful when their agents helped with price guidance.

Getting advice from an experienced real estate professional will give you a valuable perspective on how best to present your property for sale while maximizing its selling price.

Get A Pre-listing Inspection

Before listing your home on the market, it’s important to get a pre-listing inspection. This can help identify any potential issues that need addressing before putting your home up for sale.

professional inspector will thoroughly examine your property and give you an accurate rundown of any repairs or updates needed to make your home more attractive to buyers.

By getting ahead of these issues early, you’ll have more time to make necessary repairs, which can increase the value of your home and lead to greater interest from potential buyers.

Stage Your Home

Rearrange furniture for optimal flow and utilize neutral colors and décor to stage your home, removing personal items so that potential buyers can visualize themselves in the space.

Remove Personal Items

One crucial step in preparing your home for sale is removing personal items such as family photos, personal collections, and other memorabilia. This allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space without being distracted by someone else’s belongings.

Additionally, depersonalizing the home can create a neutral canvas that gives buyers an opportunity to imagine their own style and furnishings in the house.

As per National Association of Realtors (NAR), decluttering and organizing are two crucial steps that could help you sell your house quicker- hence making it more valuable on average than homes with cluttered spaces.

Many professional real estate agents recommend renting a storage unit or finding alternatives to store excess belongings during staging and showing processes.

Rearrange Furniture For Optimal Flow

Rearranging furniture is an important aspect of home staging to make the space feel more open and inviting. It’s crucial to create a flow in every room that makes it easy for potential buyers to imagine themselves living there.

Start by identifying the focal point of each room, like a fireplace or a large window, and arrange furniture around it. If you have oversized or bulky pieces of furniture, consider removing them or replacing them with smaller items to create more space.

Don’t be afraid to move things around until you find the perfect arrangement that showcases the best features of your home.

Utilize Neutral Colors And Décor

Neutral colors and décor are highly recommended when preparing a home for sale. Neutral shades such as beige, white, or light gray on walls and floors can create a clean canvas that allows potential buyers to project their own style onto the space.

Choosing neutral decor pieces like curtains, rugs, and throw pillows complement the overall atmosphere of calmness present in neutral walls and flooring.

It also creates an ambiance which makes the house look bigger, welcoming and friendly to all buyers.

Capture High-Quality Photos And Videos

Hiring a professional photographer and considering a video tour can help capture high-quality photos and videos that showcase your home’s best features.

Hire A Photographer To Take Professional Photos

High-quality photos and videos are essential for attracting potential buyers when selling a home. It is recommended to hire a professional photographer who specializes in real estate photography to capture the best features of your home.

Professional photographers have experience in choosing the right angles, lighting, and composition to showcase your property’s unique characteristics effectively.

According to recent studies by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), listings with professional photos sell faster and often at higher prices than those without.

In fact, homes with high-quality images sell for $3,400-$11,200 more compared to homes photographed by amateurs or not at all.

Consider A Video Tour

Creating a video tour of your home is a fantastic way to showcase its unique features and give potential buyers a feel for the space. Video tours allow interested parties to virtually walk through your home, giving them a sense of what it would be like to live there.

Hiring a professional videographer ensures high-quality footage that highlights all the best aspects of your property.

According to important facts listed above, video tours can increase a home’s appeal online as they attract more interest from potential buyers who may not have time for an in-person showing.

They are also highly recommended during this pandemic time where social distancing measures should still be observed.

Set The Right Asking Price

To ensure that you’re not over or under-pricing your home, analyze your local housing market and seek the guidance of a professional real estate agent when setting the asking price.

A strategic pricing strategy can attract potential buyers and maximize your profit margin.

Analyze The Local Housing Market

To set the right asking price for your home, it’s essential to analyze the local housing market. Researching comparable sales in your neighborhood can give you a good idea of what buyers are willing to pay for homes like yours.

Your real estate agent can also provide valuable insights into current market trends and buyer behavior. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recommends taking a close look at homes that have sold within the past three months and comparing them with your property to determine its value.

Pricing too high or too low can lead to problems down the road, so it’s crucial to get this step right from the start.

Consult With Your Agent For Guidance 

Selling a house can be overwhelming, but working with an experienced real estate agent can make all the difference. Consulting with your agent for guidance on setting the right asking price is crucial for home selling success.

Your agent will have knowledge of the local housing market and can compare comparable sales in the neighborhood to help determine an appropriate listing price.

They may also advise on any necessary repairs or updates that could increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

Create An Effective Marketing Plan

Utilize a combination of online and offline channels for an effective marketing plan, including social media, email campaigns, print ads, and open houses to attract potential buyers and generate buzz around the home.

Utilize Online And Offline Channels

To attract the maximum number of potential buyers, it’s important to utilize both online and offline marketing channels. Online channels include listing on popular real estate websites like, Zillow, and Redfin.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter can also be used to market your home.

Creating a professional website for the property is another effective way to showcase your home’s best features with high-quality photos and videos. Good lighting is crucial when taking pictures which should highlight unique selling points of your home including its location, layout, garages or storage areas among other things.

With 44% of buyers starting their search online according to NAR report in 2019 sellers need an effective digital marketing plan that reaches their intended audience where they are browsing property listings-which nowadays inevitably means exploring options online-based both on desktop computers and mobile devices.

Highlight Your Home’s Best Features

When it comes to selling a house, highlighting the home’s best features is key. This can include anything from a stunning view from the backyard to an updated kitchen with top-of-the-line appliances.

One effective way to showcase the home’s best features is through high-quality listing photos. Professional photographs that capture natural light and unique architectural details can create an emotional connection with viewers and leave a lasting impression.

Additionally, hosting an open house can allow potential buyers to see these standout features up close and personal while also creating buzz around the property.

Be Prepared For Showings

Make sure your home is always clean and ready for potential buyers, keep pets and children out of the way during showings, and be flexible with scheduling to accommodate interested parties.

Make Plans For Pets And Children

Selling a house can be stressful, especially if you have pets and children. But with the right preparation, you can make showings go smoothly for everyone involved. Before putting your home on the market, make sure to plan ahead for your furry friends and little ones.

Consider having a trusted friend or family member take care of them during showings or scheduling showings around their schedules.

According to Bankrate’s home selling tips, buyers may be turned off by pet odors or damage caused by pets. Additionally, children’s toys and clutter can detract from showcasing space in a property; therefore it is recommended that parents keep kids’ items organized and stored neatly in containers before each showing.

Keep Your Home Clean And Ready To Move In For Potential Buyers

One of the most important things you can do when selling your home is to keep it clean and tidy at all times. This means staying on top of daily chores like vacuuming, dusting, and dishes, as well as making sure everything is put away in its proper place.

Potential buyers will be turned off by cluttered spaces, dirty floors or countertops, and unpleasant odors.

Another tip for keeping your home showing-ready is to have a plan for pets and children during showings. It’s a good idea to arrange for someone else to watch them so that potential buyers can view the house without any distractions or interruptions.

Additionally, by removing personal items such as family photos or knick-knacks from shelves and walls, you’ll help prospective buyers envision themselves living in the space more easily.


Selling your home can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation, you can maximize your selling price and sell your property quickly. By finding the right real estate agent, preparing your home for sale, improving curb appeal, making necessary repairs and updates, staging your home, capturing high-quality photos and videos, setting the right asking price, creating an effective marketing plan, being prepared for showings and following these top 10 tips for home selling success will help ensure that you have a successful sale.

With some elbow grease and effort upfront in cleaning and decluttering the house before showing it to potential buyers who may not see past any untidiness or wear-and-tear of the house surface level at first sight.


1. Are you ready to sell your home?

Selling your home is a big decision. You need to make sure that you are emotionally and financially ready to sell. You may need to do some research or consult with a real estate professional to determine if now is the right time to sell.

2. How can you make the home look more appealing?

One way to make your home look more appealing is to improve its curb appeal. Make sure the outside of your house is well-maintained and clean. You can also add some plants or mulch to your front yard.

3. What should be on your home selling checklist?

You should include in your home selling checklist the necessary repairs and renovations that need to be done before you put the house on the market. You should also consider decluttering and depersonalizing your home to make it more inviting to potential buyers.

4. How can you give your home an unbiased look?

Having an unbiased look at your home is important to determine its current condition. One way to achieve this is by having a third-party inspection of your home.

5. Do you want to sell your home quickly?

If you want to sell your home quickly, you should price it competitively with the local market. You can also offer something extra to entice potential buyers, such as paying their mortgage or offering a discount.

6. Should you do a major home renovation before selling?

Doing a major home renovation before selling can be expensive and may not always give you a return on investment. However, you can do easy fixes that won’t cost you much but can make a big difference, such as repainting cabinets or organizing overflowing closets.

7. How can you make the right first impression when showing your house?

You can make a good first impression by staging your home, keeping it clean and organized, and making sure there are no turnoffs, such as strong odors or too many knickknacks.

What Secrets or Insights Can These Developers Share About Selling a House on the Market?

The biggest real estate developers in vancouver have a wealth of secrets and insights to share about selling a house on the market. Their expertise can guide sellers on crucial aspects such as pricing, staging, and marketing strategies.

8. How can you drum up interest for your home?

You can drum up interest for your home by spreading the word on your social media accounts, using local classified ads or newspapers, and inviting local real estate agents to check out your property.


Ready to turn your real estate dreams into reality? Contact Richard Morrison, Vancouver’s top realtor with 20+ years of experience. As a Medallion Club member and RE/MAX Hall of Fame award winning agent, he’s the expert you need on your side. Whether buying, selling, or investing, Richard’s personalized approach and deep market insights ensure a successful transaction. Reach out to Richard today at (778) 900-2235 and make your real estate journey seamless and rewarding.

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Let's Chat! Looking for a REALTOR© who can exceed your expectations? Look no further than Richard Morrison! His mission is to serve without limit & provide solutions that cater to your core needs.
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* Medallion Member
* RE/MAX Hall of Fame

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Start your search with Richard Morrison, Top Award Winning Vancouver Realtor:

Contact Richard Morrison Top Vancouver Realtor today to find a Vancouver real estate and Vancouver condos for sale. This includes eastside residences and eastside apartment for sale. Also check out West Vancouver homes for sale or maybe an West Vancouver condos for sale. If you prefer North Shore, take a look at our listings in North Vancouver homes for sale and North Vancouver condos for sale.

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Richard Morrison

My name is Richard Morrison and I aim to empower people to buy and sell real estate in the most effective way possible. I can service all of your Metro Vancouver real estate needs & beyond. I specialize in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Vancouver West, Richmond, Burnaby and other areas in the Lower Mainland BC Canada. You can be assured that whether buying or selling your home, I will get the job done. I offer a full compliment of real estate services with 15+ years of experience. About Richard Morrison

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