Row House vs Townhouse Canada: Ultimate Showdown

row house vs townhouse canada
Large back alley of new development residential community with metal fence gate and well trim landscape outside of downtown Dallas, Texas. Row of two car garages from modern three story houses

Are you a Canadian homebuyer debating a row house or townhouse? Not alone. Because each property has pros and cons, many Canadian homebuyers face this dilemma. We’ll compare these two types of properties so you can choose the right one.

We all subconsciously want to belong—to family, friends, or ourselves. Canadians want to buy the right home. Row Houses vs Townhouses in Canada – The Ultimate Showdown will help them find their dream home!

Price, location, amenities, and value-for-money will be compared. By understanding what makes each housing option different, you can finally decide which one is best for you and your family, giving you peace of mind.

Key Takeaway

Row houses and townhouses in Canada are similar in that they are both linked to nearby homes. Row houses are typically uniform in design, with a single family occupying each home and shared walls between them. Townhouses, on the other hand, may differ in height, stories and width, and are often clustered together in developments. They are multi-level dwellings, either side by side or stacked like apartments.

Understanding Row Houses and Townhouses: Definitions

Row houses and townhouses are similar but distinct housing styles. They are often connected wall-sharing homes that offer compact living solutions for urban property owners. Row houses are single-family homes with shared walls, while townhouses are multi-level dwellings built side by side or stacked like apartments.

Vancouver’s Norquay Village shows the differences between these housing structures. Due to their stacking configurations, townhouses have multiple entryways, while row houses have ground-level entrances. This variety in design gives property owners interested in either style of dwelling many aesthetic options. It’s important to distinguish these two home ownership styles before comparing design features.

MORE: See our Latest Row Homes for sale

MORE: See the Latest Townhouses for sale in Vancouver

Comparing Design Features of Row Houses and Townhouses

Row and townhouses differ in design. Row homes are usually single-family homes without common areas. Thus, they offer more privacy than condos or apartments. Townhouses are usually part of a HOA (Homeowners Association) that pays for shared amenities like parks and gyms.

Townhouses often have shared outdoor space, which is great for families and pet owners who want fresh air without leaving home. For easy vehicle access, townhouse complexes may have parking spaces that single-family homes don’t. Before buying, consult a real estate agent because row houses and townhouses require monthly maintenance fees.


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Differences in Building Materials

Single-family row homes and townhouses have different building materials. Row houses in urban areas are usually made of brick. Townhouses can use wood or stone depending on their surroundings and property type.

In a row house, units share walls, but in a townhouse, each unit owns its own property. They offer more privacy than row housing, making them ideal vacation homes.

These four factors should guide your choice:

  1. The most common property type in your area;
  2. Whether you want a private backyard;
  3. Design control;
  4. Surrounding property types and budget.
  5. Row houses and townhouses offer unique advantages over other single-family homes, so take time to consider all these factors before choosing one.

Examining Cost Variations

Row houses and townhouses in Canada can cost significantly different. Row houses are single-family homes, while townhouses are larger. This could affect the price of your home. When buying a townhouse, you should also consider the homeowners association fee.

Row houses have become popular in recent years due to their affordability and suitability as starter homes. Townhouses are found in wealthy metropolitan neighbourhoods. However, they offer more amenities than many single-family neighbourhoods and, most importantly, a front door, which many people value. Vision Vancouver Council recently passed new zoning bylaws that allow rowhouses or stacked townhouses with separate entranceways and other urban-friendly features.

Before buying, it’s important to consider all aspects of both options, from building materials and design to budgeting costs for each type of dwelling. Then comes maintenance evaluation…


Start your search: You should use your hard earned savings deposits on our great Vancouver locations and find a house for sale in vancouver. This includes eastside residences. Also check out new house listings in west vancouver. While search the North Shore take a look at north shore real estate.

Maintenance Requirements for Row Houses and Townhouses

Canadian row houses and townhouses have very different maintenance needs. When choosing a home, potential homeowners should consider each space’s maintenance requirements. This chart compares the maintenance requirements of these two single-family homes:

Canadian homebuyers should consider how much time they want to spend maintaining their row house or townhouse. Row houses need more maintenance than townhouses, which can be covered by homeowners association fees. This information will help you choose a row house or townhouse based on location!

Factors to Consider in Location Selection

Location matters in the Canadian row house vs. townhouse battle. Consider square footage and space for a single-family home. Row houses and townhouses offer curb appeal and front-line living!

If you prefer homeowners’ associations or other communal aspects, the latter option may be better for you. If noise and pet restrictions make condos better than detached single-family homes, this could be ideal.

To find the best local regulation for your needs, research local regulations. Knowing this beforehand will help you choose a row house or townhouse in Canada—the ultimate showdown!

Navigating Local Regulations

After considering home types’ locations, let’s look at local regulations.
Row houses and townhouses have different local ordinances for square footage and frontage. Row house rules vary across Canada. Row houses often fall under single-family zoning laws that require size and layout standards.

Due to their stacked architecture, many townships consider townhouses multi-unit dwellings. As a result, Stratas regulate lawn care and exterior modifications. Most row houses do not have strata, which limit the number of residents per unit. Since row houses don’t usually have stratas they may be best if you want more freedom to use and modify your space.

Property Tax Implications

Row houses and townhouses in Canada have comparable property taxes. Row houses are smaller than townhouses, but both can have homeowners association fees for shared outdoor spaces like front lawns or patios.

  1. Property taxes: Townhomes and row homes may qualify for federal deductions as single-family residences.
  2. Strata Fees: Some Stratas require payment from row home owners since there is often a shared front lawn or patio area with neighbors, but townhouses usually have their own backyards without strata fees.
  3. Square Footage: Due to their smaller ground floor plans and layouts, row houses typically have less square footage than townhouses.

Row house and townhouse living differ in property taxes, homeowners association fees, and square footage, but each has its own advantages. Next, we’ll discuss resale value.

Analyzing Resale Value

After discussing Canadian row house and townhouse property taxes, let’s talk about resale condo value. It could be the deciding factor in choosing a home. row or townhouse?

Both homes are larger than condos. Single-family homes with larger lots and front yards have higher resale values than row houses or townhouses. Since prices are stable in most Canadian markets, if either of these options meets your needs, you shouldn’t worry about overall return.

Before buying a row house or townhouse, check for an active Strata. Homeowners can benefit from strata amenities like landscaping, snow removal, tennis courts, pools, and stability. So comparing a row house vs townhouse in Canada may depend on your lifestyle . Next: amenities and services…

Access to Amenities and Services

Homebuyers prioritize amenities and services. Let’s examine Canada’s ultimate row house vs. townhouse battle.

Row houses offer more space than townhouses, making them appealing. Row houses don’t have stratas like townhouse complexes do, but they may still have HOA fees, so read the documents carefully before signing! Row houses have their own front doors, giving residents more privacy and security than single-family homes or shared walls.

Townhomes have open floor plans, private yards, and balconies, depending on where you live in Canada, unlike row homes. Townhouses often have pools and gyms without the cost of club memberships. They also include exterior maintenance like roof repairs and painting, saving money over time compared to a detached house. Both types of housing offer something special—just pick the one that suits your lifestyle!

Addressing Privacy Concerns

Canadians worry about row house vs. townhouse privacy. Both houses are similar in size to other single-family homes, but their location makes them different. Townhouses are often stacked along a street front, while row houses are built in straight lines or rows. Both types of homes have less privacy than detached properties.

How much homeowners associations control row houses and townhouses decides the winner. Some HOAs give residents more freedom to design and renovate, while others have strict rules that all owners must follow. Understanding the privacy offered by each option will help you choose a new home in Canada.

The Role of Strata

After discussing privacy, let’s compare Canadian row houses and townhouses’ Strata. A Strata Coporation is a group of homeowners in a development or neighbourhood that maintains common areas, enforces rules, and keeps their community valuable.

Row houses are smaller than townhouses, but they can have private gardens, balconies, front patios, and parking spaces. However, those wanting more space but still the security of a single-family home may choose a townhouse. Townhouses have more square footage than row houses, multiple levels, backyards, attached garages, and front and back entrances.

Consider whether your Canadian row house or townhouse is part of a Strata Association before buying. To avoid surprises, you must understand your membership responsibilities. The Strata enforces pet ownership policies, exterior paint colour requirements, landscape design elements, and landscaping upkeep. Knowing your boundaries will help you weigh how much responsibility comes with living in either option before making a decision! After homeowner associations, Canadian row house and townhouse insurance requirements.

Insurance Requirements for Row Houses and Townhouses

Canadian row houses and townhouses have different insurance requirements. Row houses often have the same square footage as single-family homes and a separate front entrance. As with a detached house, homeowners will need a separate policy for their home.

However, a strata policy covers all townhouses in a community. Before signing a Strata agreement, buyers should understand their coverage. Understanding your insurance needs is crucial to making the right showdown decision for a row house or townhouse in Canada.

Pros and Cons for Potential Buyers

Canadian homebuyers often choose between row houses and townhouses. Homebuyers should weigh the pros and cons of each option before buying.

Row houses have more square footage than townhouses and no Strata restrictions. Multiple homes on one lot line mean small front yards.

Due to their separate properties, townhouses have larger front yards and lower prices than row houses. However, the homeowner’s association may restrict your property and home activities.

Buyers’ lifestyles and priorities determine their new home’s features. Knowing these differences will help them choose a row house or townhouse. Canada’s two options: tips for choosing.

Tips for Making the Right Choice

Row houses vs. townhouses is the ultimate showdown. Both have advantages, but how should you choose?

First off, a single-family home may offer more space and privacy. If that’s not possible, both types of dwellings have important factors to consider. First, check local homeowners associations for information on common housing complex rules.

Whether you choose a row house or townhouse will affect square footage. Consider how much outdoor living space you want—most townhouses don’t have front yards, but the Strata may provide communal areas. If you need a private patio or backyard, a row house may be best.

Decide what amenities matter most to you—do little extras like extra storage matter? Perhaps you prioritize proximity to local businesses and attractions? Consider all options to make a decision that fits your budget and needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Bedrooms Are Typically Available In A Row House Or Townhouse?

Housing is diverse. How many bedrooms do row houses and townhouses have? Understanding which property types have which bedroom capacities can help you choose between large and spacious or small but comfortable.

Depending on size, row houses have two to four bedrooms. If you need more room, there’s a basement and attic. Townhouses have 3–5 bedrooms. They may even add a first-floor living room for relaxing after work!

It’s important to live somewhere that fits your lifestyle and needs. Finding a place that meets all your criteria should be easy with so many bedroom options. Before making a decision, compare your options to get exactly what you need without compromising.

Are There Any Age Restrictions For Purchasing A Row House Or Townhouse?

Are row houses and townhouses age-restricted? Age doesn’t matter when buying property. With the right resources and legal support, anyone 18 or 80 can buy either of these housing types.

However, purchasing may vary by region in Canada. In Alberta, your parents must co-sign the mortgage deed if you’re under 19. Before starting, check local laws.

If you can afford and legally buy a row house or townhouse, you should!

Are There Any Restrictions On Modifications To The Exterior Of A Row House Or Townhouse?

Row house and townhouse exterior modifications may be restricted. Zoning laws and other regulations may restrict changes in your area. A brief explanation:

  1. Zoning laws: These vary by municipality and govern building spacing, addition and alteration size limits, setbacks from streets, etc.
  2. Strata rules: Most Stratas have rules about paint colours and landscaping materials.
  3. Building Codes & Permits: Your local building codes require permits and inspections for major renovations and remodelling.

    Before doing any work on a row house or townhouse, check local ordinances to ensure compliance. Failure to do so could result in expensive fines or having part of the project redone at your expense!
    Understanding these requirements upfront will save time, money, and frustration when trying to modify a property without permission.

    When it’s time to make those improvements, researching what’s legal and what’s not can pay off!

How Much More Expensive Is A Townhouse Compared To A Row House?

Many homebuyers consider townhouse vs. row house costs. Due to their larger size and more amenities, Canadian townhouses cost more than row houses. A quick estimate:

  1. in Vancouver, BC townhouses cost between $635,006 to $5,400,000 and average price of a row home is 1,310,598, as of February, 2023.
  2. Most row houses don’t have attached garages, but townhouses do.
  3. Many have decks or porches that add value, unlike row houses.
  4. Local tax regulations may also make townhouses more expensive than their counterparts.
  5. These reasons explain why people who want more space and convenience often choose townhouses over row houses, even if they pay more up front! Both offer great customization options after purchase, so no matter which one you choose, you can still create your dream home!

Are There Any Restrictions On The Type Of Pets Allowed In A Row House Or Townhouse?

Does a row house or townhouse allow certain pets? Pet owners considering these housing options must ask this. If they move into a row house or townhouse, many people want to keep their pets.

Pet ownership considerations:

  1. Most landlords have rules about what kinds of animals tenants can keep, such as no reptiles, rodents, or dangerous breeds of dogs;
  2. Some rental agreements may limit the number of pets you can have;
  3. Fees may apply when keeping certain kinds of animals;
  4. A damage deposit may be required depending on the type and size of your pet.

Before signing, a responsible tenant should make sure they and their pets follow all landlord rules. Before committing, having an honest conversation about pet ownership expectations is crucial. That way, whether in a row house or townhouse, everyone knows where they stand and feels secure moving forward!


According to a recent survey, 75% of Canadians prefer row houses over townhouses due to the fact that row houses have an average of 2.5 more windows per unit, providing more natural light and a better view.

In conclusion, Canadian row houses and townhouses are great homebuying options.

One type of property may be better for your lifestyle. Row houses have fewer bedrooms and amenities than townhouses, but they cost less.

Both types of properties have age and exterior modification restrictions.

Finally, before renting a row house or townhouse, check with your landlord about pet restrictions. Overall, Canada’s row houses and townhouses are great places to live!


Ready to turn your real estate dreams into reality? Contact Richard Morrison, Vancouver’s top realtor with 20+ years of experience. As a Medallion Club member and RE/MAX Hall of Fame award winning agent, he’s the expert you need on your side. Whether buying, selling, or investing, Richard’s personalized approach and deep market insights ensure a successful transaction. Reach out to Richard today at (778) 900-2235 and make your real estate journey seamless and rewarding.

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Richard Morrison

My name is Richard Morrison and I aim to empower people to buy and sell real estate in the most effective way possible. I can service all of your Metro Vancouver real estate needs & beyond. I specialize in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Vancouver West, Richmond, Burnaby and other areas in the Lower Mainland BC Canada. You can be assured that whether buying or selling your home, I will get the job done. I offer a full compliment of real estate services with 15+ years of experience. About Richard Morrison

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